Privacy Policy

Updated: May 21, 2024

1. Our Commitment to Your Privacy

Yadira is dedicated to empowering practitioners to expand their practice and individuals to lead healthier lives through nutrition counseling. Our aim with this policy is to provide transparency about the information we collect through our websites, apps, devices, and other products and services, how we use it, and the choices available to you.

Yadira is dedicated to empowering practitioners to expand their practice and individuals to lead healthier lives through nutrition counseling. Our aim with this policy is to provide transparency about the information we collect through our websites, apps, devices, and other products and services, how we use it, and the choices available to you.

All providers that work using our platform should abide by this policy to protect the user’s data.

2. Information Collection Process

We collect information from various sources and in different ways, including directly provided information, automatically collected information, data from third-party sources, and data inferred or generated from other data.

3. Information You Provide

We collect personal information directly from you when you sign up for our services. This includes, but is not limited to, your name, email address, physical address, date of birth, health-related information, and dietary preferences. We gather this information through our onboarding process on our mobile application. Additionally, we may collect usage data and preferences as you interact with our app to enhance your user experience.

4. Technical Information Collected Automatically

We automatically collect certain internet and electronic network activity information, including log data, geolocation data, cookie data, device information, usage data, and sensor data.

5. Information We Create or Generate

We derive new information from other data we collect, including using automated means to generate inferences.

6. Information Collected from Third-Party Services

We obtain various types of information from third-party partners, advertisers, and co-branding/marketing partners.

7. Usage of Personal and Sensitive User Data

The personal and sensitive information you provide is used exclusively to facilitate the creation of customized nutrition plans and receive advice by the coaches you select. Additionally, we may use aggregated, anonymized data derived from your information to improve our services and enhance user experience. At no point do we use your personal information for purposes other than those outlined in this policy without your explicit consent.

8. Data Protection Mechanisms

To safeguard your personal and sensitive information, we implement robust security measures. All data transmitted between your device and our servers is encrypted using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. Furthermore, we encrypt all personal and sensitive data at rest using AWS Key Management Service (KMS) to prevent unauthorized access. We regularly update our security practices to ensure compliance with current regulations and best practices.

9. Purposes of Use and Categories of Information

We utilize the information collected for product and service delivery, business operations, product improvement and development, personalization, customer support, communications, marketing, and advertising.

10. How and With Whom We Share Your Information

We share your personal and sensitive information only with the health and nutrition coaches who are part of our platform and whom you choose to engage with for the purpose of receiving personalized coaching.

These coaches are bound by strict confidentiality agreements that prohibit them from using the information for any purpose other than creating and managing your nutrition plans. We do not sell, rent, or otherwise disclose your personal information to third parties for marketing purposes without your explicit consent.

We may share your information with other service providers, financial services and payment processors, or as part of corporate transactions. We may also disclose your information in response to legal requirements or to protect our rights, property, and security.

11, Data Retention

We retain your information only as long as necessary to provide our services, fulfill the purposes described in this policy, and comply with legal obligations.

12. Your Rights and Choices

You have the right to access, portability, correction, deletion, and objection to the processing of your information. We provide options within your settings to exercise many of these controls.

13, State-Specific Disclosures

If you are a resident of California, Virginia, Utah, Colorado, or Connecticut, you have certain rights and choices you should know about:

14, Changes to This Policy

We may update this policy periodically, and we will post any changes on this page. If the changes are significant, we may provide more prominent notice or obtain your consent to the changes.

15. Contact Us

For any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact us at the provided email address or physical address.

Diat Inc. Attention: Privacy Officer 1111 Lincoln Road

Suite 500

Miami Beach, FL 33139

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